Vintage to Vogue Beginning to End

This post is a documentation of the transformation of Vintage to Vogues store front window. They are a vintage clothing shop located in downtown andGreensboro. The purpose of this project was to bring an eye catching display to a locally owned shop and draw attention to their products. Jennifer is the owner of the store and she was very nice to work with and gave great feedback. this was a group project so I would like to give credit to Andrew Poole, Edythe Eddinger, and Pamela Liles. Below are the process photos taken throughout the duration of the project. 

This is what the store window looked like when we began this project.

These were the original concept drawings that the group had presented to the owner Jennifer. She originally said that she wanted Hermes meets Anthropologie whimsical with flowers, birds, and color. So we tired to give her drawings that captured what she had told us and then she went through and said what she liked and didn't like.

These were the final concept images we presented to her and she loved it and was excited that we captured what she was looking for after the first concept presentation. We tried to capture her feedback from the previous visit and give her a finalized concept that captured our conversation. We finalized on having the butterflies start by the window and proceed through the space in a swoosh motion making their way to the other side where there would be two dress forms with oversized butterfly wings behind them. On the corner window there would be a handing window with re-create painted on. This was the space she was going to use for her new seamstress she was going to have in the store and she wanted to highlight it with that word. We also agreed upon painting the logo on the window as well as some accent flowers. 

Group Selfie

Andrew folding the butterflies.

 Pamela Painting
 Andrew trying to hang the butterfly at the right height.

These pictures were taken during install.

 These were the images taken after the first day of install we were very proud of our work.

These are the final images. Our concept was metamorphise because her store is always changing with the seasons and the new clothes that are being brought in and we wanted to represent a changing of season from winter to spring in her window. The client was very excited with the final display and was excited to have people coming up and observing her window.  I want to thank the store owner for giving us this experience and my team members for pulling together this beautiful window in 2 weeks, and the teacher for allowing us to participate and set up a project for local businesses. I want to especially thank the store owner Jennifer for giving us her time and patience in letting us do a window display for her. She was a wonderful client to work for. 


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