
Showing posts from January, 2017

Tie concept drawings

Drawings  These are the concept ideas that were drawn in class as homework. The focus is displaying ties and then incorporating the words crop circles, cocoon, and swoosh as concepts when generating the drawings. For each concept word there are 3 drawings that relate to it and is labeled at the top of the drawings.                                                                                                                                                           In class drawing exercise.

Customer/Employee Narrative

                                            Customer Experience: I started my shopping experience off with one thing in mind and that was to find a new outfit for an upcoming event. When walking around the mall I spotted a structure from across the way. There was this tall elegant sculpture that was lighted from all angles so of course my curious soul brought me closer. Upon arriving I saw that there were two structures woven into each other to form this elegant loop pattern at the top. The free standing kiosk was open on the sides so looking in I could see there were displays with merchandise. Naturally I wanted to explore the space so I walked in. The lady told me that it was a gender fluid tie shop and that if I needed help to ask. It was a unique shopping experience. I think that the structures that outlined the space were the true focal point because although they are si...

Kiosk Photo Hut

                                                                                                                             "Swoosh between the norm" For my kiosk I chose to pick ties as my product to sell. The concept behind is based upon the swoosh. I want to focus on the motion that the ends of a tie make while being brought together and knotted in the middle. The kiosk is going to be a place where both sexes can purchase merchandise. The two genders coming together is the same as the tie coming together and being united in the middle. This post contains inspiration photos used generate ideas to aid in designing my kiosk.  ...

Kiosk Study

Kiosk Case Study             What is a Kiosk? A kiosk is defined as being a small open front cube that sells newspapers, refreshments, tickets, etc. It is also a place in public that provides a place to display information or advertisements and are usually in the form of an interactive touchscreen. I have searched far and wide across the web to bring a few retail kiosks that I think are interesting. This is a robotic kiosk called TeaBOT it allows customers to choose their blend of loose teas. The customer can use either the touchscreen or their phones to create what they want. Then the machine produces the tea within minutes. So the necessary components of this kiosk is that the touchscreen works and that the tea is stocked and there is power to operate. I think the wood chosen reflects the brand they are going for with which is earthy. I think this is innovative especially since more people these days are more in...